The core of our business is recruiting and introducing software engineers to companies willing to employ skillful Russian specialists. IGR solutions can provide personnel for either remote or office-based operations in Russia or international assignments.
We have extensive knowledge of the local IT market opportunities and challenges. Our technical consultants specialize in a wide range of Backend and Frontend Engineering as well as IT architecture, Cloud infrastructure and other ways of Digital Transformation. Whatever your needs, IGR solutions recruitment is here to support you.
Whatever your needs, IGR solutions recruitment is here to |
Whatever your needs, IGR solutions recruitment
is here to |
Should you wish to source an expert in a particular IT discipline, please contact us with your detailed requirements. Ideally, the more information you provide to us, the more you assist IGR solutions to provide you with a suitable candidate to meet your company’s needs.
We sincerely believe that people are the main asset of any company. IGR solutions is committed to integrity and honesty in discussions and negotiations with Clients and Candidates. By declaring that, we do strictly follow confidential terms and conditions if necessary and respect the privacy of applications for both clients and candidates.